Our Development Philosophy

We strongly believe that community development practice has been influenced by the dramatic changes that are experienced in an increasingly globalized world economy and therefore accompanying these changes, are new ideas about how to approach community development. In these periods of change, there is a two-fold challenge at the community level: to create and seize opportunities for sustainable development, and to claim and retain the rights and entitlements of state and global citizenship. This means thinking about “assets’ in very broad terms: rights, capacities, capabilities as well as access to natural, physical and financial resources to generate sustainable wealth.

APOP as an organization has a strong conviction that the community and local actors have inherent capacities, but need to be nurtured to bring about desired development. The communities can be organized to diagnose local problems, come up with solutions, lay down priorities, implement action plans, monitor & evaluate their performances. APOP also believes that social and peer pressure creates accountability and transparency within a community. The government at different levels also acknowledges social accountability and transparency. There is also a strong belief that communities and local governments develop skills through technical assistance, learning by doing and uplift their knowledge and skills for carrying out large projects. The decentralization of power to the local level is a good opportunity to harness the local capacity and ensure sustainability.

Considering the aforesaid facts, APOP decided Capacity Development (CD) as its development philosophy. Therefore CD, in APOP context, refers to the development of institutional and human capacities of communities and local actors to improve their ability to carry out their functions and achieve desired results over time. APOP will use People-Owned-Process (PoP) methodology which is a development model that seeks to empower communities make maximum use of resources within their own setting and environment for self-reliance in development initiatives and processes. It is a zero-handout approach to development that calls for maximum participation of the beneficiaries (Target group).

Our Vision & Mision

  • Our Vision.

    APOP seeks to observe empowered global communities managing their environment and natural resources economically and sustainably towards increased livelihood security, wealth and wellbeing.

  • Our Mision

    Enhance capacities of communities and local development actors to economically and sustainably manage their environment and natural resource base in the intervention areas of APOP

  • Goal

    Contribute to the overall effort of improved and sustained environment and natural resources of the poor natural resource dependent communities and marginalized social groups while increasing their livelihood security, wealth and wellbeing.



Core Values

  • People-centered

    put people at the center of development, value peoples’ potential to implement and ensure sustainable development.

  • Organizational learning

    consistent pursuit of innovations and best practices in serving capacity development needs of communities and systematically incorporate lessons and new ideas (local and external) into the designing and execution of programmes

  • Respect

    the rights, culture, indigenous knowledge, beliefs and dignity of the partners.

  • Simplicity

    friendly working atmosphere.

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